Friday, September 11, 2009

Baby Led Weaning Montage


Beverly said...

this is great! loved it!

Jennifer said...

Very nice. I hate baby food purees and would love to try this, but I'm so worried about choking because of my experiences with Aidan. Have you ever had any problems with this, or does it seem to not be a problem? I'm such a worrier!!

SunflowerStories said...

Jennifer, I was a bit worried at first, but initially she just took little nibbles out of food. Sometimes she takes too big of a bite of something and gags on it. The book explains the difference between gagging and choking and says that gagging is just part of the learning process.

I avoid certain choking hazards still- raw chucks of carrot- I shred hers & that is easy for her to eat. I dice up hot dogs. I cut grapes in half or quarters if they are huge.

Its definitely a good educational read. I think I paid less than $20 shipped for it. Maybe your library can get a copy?

JennyH said...

Cute video.

I always worried about Max choking. He was my first so I didn't know better! With the other 3 though they tried pretty much whatever and all 3 are pretty good eater now. Max is not! They did have baby foods but not for very long.

Miss Ella is super cute!

Brandie said...

This is so cool. I never had any problems with choking. I cut the food up a little smaller, but Goldie is really good at taking little bites of bigger pieces. She worried me the least out of all my kids!

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the info! With Aidan we experienced heimlich-maneuver type choking, not gagging. Very scary. Brendan was a huge gagger, but I saw so afraid from Aidan that I never got over it. I'm hoping I'll be less fearful with Liam. Brendan was always fine. I still freak out and cut Aidan's food too small. I'm definitely thinking of going this route because it seems so much easier.