
Friday, January 11, 2008

Christmas Photos, at last

Sorry I haven't been posting much, I've been too busy gagging and keeping the couch warm. I actually set a goal for myself of 12 blog posts a month this year and am having a hard time making that happen. With the boys' I wasn't this sick and the tiredness improved by week 14 or so, I am hoping to feel better soon. In the meantime, here are some photos from the Christmas present frenzy!

Aidan helping Sean unwrap goodies from his stocking.

Sean opening his gift from Santa, the Backyardigans Circus.

Aidan opening his Santa gift, a remote control Hot Wheels Truck.

Both boys modeling jammies they recieved.

Also, thanks to all of the snow days, Aidan picked up his first profession! For $1 he will shovel the sidewalk. What a deal!

Not to be outdone, Sean also is offering a lovely service. For a mere quarter, he will give your fridge a custom designer finish! Now that is service with a smile!


  1. So sorry you're feeling so icky! Those are some great pics, and some very handsome boys you have there!!

  2. Those are great pictures!

    I hope that you start feeling better! Cinnamon gum did wonders for me.

  3. Sure looks like Sean had a great time coloring the frig. What was on his mouth.

  4. Oh my! You have an artist. I also have an artist (well 2)- which can be a very bad thing!! Love the Christmas pics. I am still working on mine! I know, I'm slow.

    I hated being pregnant-everytime! So I feel for you. I was sickest with my last one. I threw up so much- it was awful. I hope you feel better soon!


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