
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Minner Mug Shots

Several years ago, Doug and I gave Gramma and Granpa M a similar set of glass photo frame coasters from Crate & Barrel. At the time, the only grandkids they had were Mackenzie (aka Kenzie Jo) and Aidan. Friday night, Granpa said it was high time I update the photos in the set so he had pictures of all his grankids. We did a little photo shoot with the kids yesterday and I thought I'd share the mug shots.

Kenzie, age 8 yrs, 10 months

Aidan, age 5 yrs, 11 1/2 months

Sean, age 4 yrs, 1 1/2 months

Ella, age 3 months

And all four kiddos together, the best we could do!


  1. Very cute! And hardly mug shots! I don't believe those children ever do ANYTHING wrong! :o)

  2. What a crew :) love the pics!


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