Doug, Aidan and I went to my mid-pregnancy sonogram today. Aidan has been so excited about the new baby that we thought he'd enjoy seeing the sonogram and being with us while we peeked to see if we are expecting a boy or girl. Sean is a bit young for this experience, so he went to preschool.
First, the tech checked my ovaries and measured the fluid around the baby (to which Aidan said "Boring!") Then she checked the baby's head and tummy out. Aidan loved the profile view and said the baby has a little bunny nose. The tech then took a quick peek at the baby's bottom but could see much as the baby had legs tightly closed. More measuring on limbs, heart, other organs. Pics of feet, spine, hands.
Back down to the bottom. Baby was admaent that we did not need to see anything and was clamming shut. The tech jiggled my belly with the transducer, trying to jostle the baby into opening legs. Aidan stood by my side and pushed on my tummy saying "Hey, baby! Open up!!!" 10 minutes went by without a good look, Aidan got bored & wanted some water so Doug took him out for a bit. I was starting to worry that we wouldn't find out today & I was so looking foward to seeing what we are having. I had strong feelings that I knew what it was, but was trying not to lean one way or the other.
Finally, we got a few quick glimpses. Aidan and Doug returned and the tech and I voiced our opinions. We clearly did not see a "turtle" and it seemed like we saw the three little lines that indicate GIRL! Little Miss let Daddy have a quick peek, too. We didn't get a perfect photo of our little princess in the making, but the tech is very sure that we are having a daughter!

Doug, Aidan and i are very excited to welcome her into our family. Sean seems to be picking up on the baby idea, he has been saying baby while poking my tummy. We spent the day with friends a week ago that have 7 month old twins and both boys were very gentle and attentive to them. I think I have two good brothers to grow up with this little girl.
I have an OB appt on Wednesday, so I will get to hear the doctor's report on the sono and do the usual stuff then. We do have a name in mind for this little girl, but Doug wants time for it to "grow on him" before we announce it. I adore it and look foward to bonding with her by her name.