What a big day for Aidan, his first day of kindergarten! He's been looking foward to today all summer, but last night got very nervous about it. He asked to sleep with momma and Ella and let me tell you, I wanted to say yes so I could hold on to my "little" boy one last time. Everyone got up and at it early today, for the first time ever we actually got out the door BEFORE the time we were supposed to be there. Aidan looked so grown up in his school uniform. I helped him fasten the shorts button and belt and showed him how to tuck in his shirt. I told him the teacher would help him with his pants until he can do it himself.

As soon as Sean saw Aidan dressed, he was ready to get dressed, too. He has gotten so much better at not fighting me on changes. He was excited about getting on his backpack until he felt how heavy it was with school supplies. Ha ha ha

We drove to Aidan's school and Doug went in with him to drop him off as I circled the block. I don't think i could of handled dropping him off. Doug said he looked so sad and scared, but wasn't crying. Aidan's teacher gave him a warm welcome, so hopefully he will settle in there soon.
Next we took Sean to school. Doug came with me because I wasn't sure I could carry the school supplies, baby and Sean. Luckily, Sean hoped out of the van, put his backpack on and trotted to the door like an old pro! No fussing AT ALL! We followed him in and he went straight to the cubbies to hang up his backpack. He was proud to show Miss R his baby sister, then got busy playing with the toys. His dear friend Amelia is in his class again and she gave him a big hug. She also became a big sister this summer, her baby sister is 9 weeks old. We chatted to the other parents and teacher a bit, then headed back to the van to take Doug to work.
Ella and I had to go to her 2 week well baby visit this morning, so Ella had a special outing today too. She weighs 7 lbs 13 oz and is 20 1/4 inches tall, so she's growing great. Yesterday her cord fell off and I noticed today that her bely button looked a bit odd. It has this bubble looking center. The Dr explained what it was, but I didn't catch the name, and she cauterized it with these matchstick looking things. She mentioned that one of her daughters had the same thing. Ella has had a gooey eye the last couple of days also, so the Dr is giving us an antibiotic cream to use to clear that up.
Our Dr is due any day now with her forth child and it's been nice to share this pregnancy with her. We talked about Ella's cloth diaper and she mentioned that she plans on getting BumGenius diapers to use on her new baby once she is a couple months old. Rock on!
Oh, and for your baby fix, here are a couple of pics of E from this weekend.
Napping with Sean:

First Sunday at church: