How's this for a belly photo? Taken today, in front of our house, with a nice patch of sunflowers!
I had an OB appointment today and my first cervical check. Turns out these contractions that are waking me up at night are working! I am 3 cm dialated, 50% effaced and Eleanor is at the -3 station (which is still a little high in the pelvis.) Of course, all this means that I could have the baby any time now, or not for a couple more weeks.
When I was pregnant with Sean, I had a appointment on Monday & was 2-3 cms, at 36 wks, 1 day. He was born 6 days later right at 37 weeks. So it makes me excited to think that Ella might be following the same path.
The heat is bothering me, my hips are bothering me, I'm wiped out by 2 pm, and all this makes me a bit on the cranky side. So I am sure those near me are looking foward to the birth as much as I am!
*Edited to add this cool diagram that shows the descent stations of labor.
You look beautiful! Good luck with everything! :)
You look great. Sending you good labor vibes!!
You are beautiful!!
Looking good mama! Sounds like Miss Ella is thinking about making her big entrance...woo hoo! Lots of ELV/healthy mama/healthy baby lovin' headed your way!
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