Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Should I Chop It Off?

I have an appointment tomorrow morning for a haircut. I've been averaging about 2 haircuts a year and I am wondering if it's time for a change again. Should I cut it to shoulder length or just trim it up? I hardly ever wear it down, because it's so windy here it flies into a rats nest. So usually it's in a ponytail or bun-ish twist. Neither up do is very flattering. Plus I'm going through post partem hair loss. And I have a baby that likes to work her hands into it and not let go.

But I also have a little bright eyed boy who loves to do this:

He adores momma's hair and would miss it if it was gone. He always asks me to take it down so he can play with it while he falls asleep. Hmmm, what to do?


My name is Sarah said...

This is Joyce. Oh your hair is so beautiful - straight, long, shiny, and flowing - the hair I always wanted. I would hate to cut it, but sometimes it's just what we need for a renewed spirit - I say go for it. I love your tatoo - great colors and design.

Jennifer said...

I agree, you have beatiful hair. My hair would never look so nice if it was long. But, it's always fun to try a new haircut. Just keep it long enough to pull back when you need to!

SunflowerStories said...

Thanks, Joyce and Jennifer! I decided to go for it and cut it. I like it! Will try to get a pic soon.

Anonymous said...

A good cut can be really rejuvenating. I'm thinking it's time for me too. Looking forward to seeing a pic of the new 'do' :)