Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: First Longies, Finished At Last!

They need to be washed, lanolized and blocked and then I can get some action shots of Ella wearing them. I learned so much making these, so experienced knitters please don't cringe at my flaws! Oh, and this is wool from Beemer Knits. So pretty!

*Edited to add action shots! I couldn't wait to see how they fit, so I put them on her before I washed them. ADORABLE!*


Grrrndpa said...

First Pole Dancing--now topless photos on the internet. O my poor G Daughter!!!

Jennifer said...

Those are adorable!! I'm so impressed. I haven't found time to knit since the baby was born.

Stephanie said...

Hi! I somehow linked to your blog from somewhere and just wanted to introduce myself as another mom from Kansas--Wichita to be exact. My special little man is quite a bit younger than yours. He just turned 9 months old. Anyway wanted to say hi and it's good to see another Kansan in blogland.

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

They are soo cute and fit her so well. I love them and think that you did an awesome job. I used to crochet and I thought that was knitting is something that I never attempted as I am too scared to try that.

Beverly said...

i just love these and she is too cute in them

Heidi said...

Those are so cute!

kim said...

what flaws?!!! they are beautiful! btw - the comment from grandpa is priceless!