Daddy's deck crew found a new source of fun... turning into sticker monsters! These little creatures came knocking at the door to scare Mommy. What was actually scary was the amount of little burrs I had to pick off their clothes before I could wash them.

When they are not scary monsters, they are super heros! Aunt Tanya passed down a Spidey jammie that Adam outgrew to Aidan. Well, Mr Sean wanted his OWN Spidey shirt, so Mommy found one on ebay. He is happier than a fly at a salad bar!
We also got to see how the Ella Roo is growing today. I had a sono to make sure she isn't suffering any issues due to the isoimmunity. She looks great! She's an estimated 3 lbs already. We could see hair on her head and eyelashes, how cool. Of course, I also asked to make sure she hadn't sprouted a turtle and she is still a girl. I also had the 1 hour gluclose test done, so I should find out next week if my bloodwork looks good. I start going in for check ups every 2 weeks now, so it sure makes the birthdate seem to tick louder!
We are off on a family vacation this coming week, so hopefully I will return with some fun photos.