Friday, October 10, 2008

I'm a Kick Ass Blogger???

Kick Ass Blogger Award

I was awarded this title and inducted into the Kick Ass Blogger Club by Jennifer at Elliot's Nest. I'm honored she feels that way, especially when I am feeling like I have stuff I'd like to blog about but don't have time to organize my thoughts and writing. You know, like when I am laying in bed nursing Ella at night, wishing I was sleeping instead of pseudo-writing posts in my head. Thanks for enjoying what I do get time to share!

Now, the rules:* Choose 5 bloggers that you feel are "Kick Ass Bloggers"* Let 'em know in your post or via email, twitter or blog comments that they've received an award* Share the love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back to Mammadawg, the inventor of this award.* Hop on back to the to sign Kick Ass Blogger Club HQ Mr. Linky then pass it on!

I'm sure some of these blogs have already been nominated, but I'll pass it on again:

Melissa at Banana Migraine
Jenny at Life with 4 Kiddos
Kim at What Charlie's Up To
Sarah at Class of 08
Susan at Aloha Life, cuz I LOVE your photos!

1 comment:

Aloha! said...

Thanks Deborah!!!! I love your blog too!